Internet Explorer And Julie Klausner Talk About Mr. Eggs And Pick Up Artists

A famous pick up artist loses his fans because of Dr. Oz, and a bodybuilding message board troll owns all of us.

This week's episode of Internet Explorer deals with a man who loves eggs and turns out to be just a troll, and an infamous internet pick up artist who appeared on Dr. Oz. Join us!

Our guest this week is Julie Klausner, author, host of How Was Your Week podcast, and star of the upcoming series Difficult People on Hulu.

On this episode, we talk about a recent kerfluffle in the world of pick up artists.

A pick up artist teacher and blogger recently appeared on the Dr. Oz show. Dr. Oz raked him over the coals about his pro-fatshaming Twitter campaign. His former fans in on Reddit were shocked to see him look so awkward on the TV appearance, and suggested he's actually "a beta".

We're joined on the phone by Drew Fairweather (aka Drew Toothpaste), who had masquraded as a character named Mr Eggs on bodybuilding forums for years.

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