How To Be A Hacker

One simple trick discovered by a mom to hacking the planet.

So, you want to be a hacker

Good choice, because...

You need a really cool flaming mask and a suit

It will help if you're a hot babe with a really cool haircut

Damn, check out this cool hair

Get some really tiny sunglasses

Or wraparounds

It's just really really important that you have sunglasses, ok?

You might need like at least 2 computers for doing some cool hacking

A hacker can set up their hacking station anywhere

A hacker needs a good hideout in case the cyberpolice show up

Hackers know basically everything about computers

Internet Explorer? Yeah right. Real hackers use Firefox. Are you a baby or something?

Real hackers know how to read cool green computer "code"

Linux? Yeah. Duh, Linux.

You'll be breaking into top secret information and stuff

Whoa whoa do NOT mess with these guys!

Look at this guy, I bet he's up to no good

Look at me, I'm hacking stuff from my cyberlair!

Damn, this ratwolf is also a hacker.

Whoa whoa this is some hacker stuff right here only a true hacker would understand

Congrats! You're a hacker now!

Welcome 2 your new cyberlyfe.

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