Brickbreaker Did A Whole Bunch Of Drugs And Is Fun Again

BRICK[bricksmash]SMASH, give me a taste of whatever you're on, dog.

It's hard to remember now that RIM is a charred and gangrenous husk, but back in 2007, when BlackBerry stood for power and success and not fleshy karaoke, you could make a halfway serious argument that, per manicured he-finger, Brickbreaker was the most important game in the world. Remember, it came preloaded on every BlackBerry, and turned into such a cultural phenomenon that even the Wall Street Journal deigned to squint at it.

For all of you with fond memories of Brickbreaker (and its myriad predecessors), I excitedly present BRICK[bricksmash]SMASH, the annoyingly nested title of which will make sense once you play this genius game. Essentially BRICK[bricksmash]SMASH is Brickbreaker in which every brick contains its own mini-game of Brickbreaker, which must be beaten to destroy each brick. The destruction of each brick spits out additional bombs, until the screen glows with tiny neon meteors, your soul soars, and all is briefly right with this conflicted and impossible world.

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