Here Are The Flyers You Get When Your Neighbor Has Ebola

Officials distributed information at hundreds of apartments in Dallas after three people were diagnosed with Ebola.

Thomas Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S., stayed at The Ivy apartments when he arrived in Dallas in September. Officials distributed this flyer at the complex after Duncan became ill.

Nurse Nina Pham was the second person in Dallas to get Ebola. At her apartment, county officials placed an extensive, multi-page packet of information on each of the building's eight front doors.

Pham's apartment is located in a stand-alone building and is the only one of three that isn't part of a large complex.

Officials sprang into action at her home on Oct. 12.

Nurse Amber Vinson, the third U.S. Ebola patient, lived at The Village complex, just a few miles from Pham's apartment. Officials began flyering Vinson's complex after she was diagnosed on Oct. 15.

The Village is the largest of the three apartment complexes, and authorities distributed hundreds of flyers there.

After cleaning was finished at Vinson's apartment, mangers posted an updated flyer on doors as well:

On Vinson's front door, there was one additional document. This quarantine sign:

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