8 Facts About How Americans Get To Work

Most people drive to work, but that may be changing, according to a new U.S. Census Bureau report on commuting. The report came out of the government's first comprehensive look at "active" commuting, or transportation that involves some physical activity.

1. The vast majority of people still drive to work.

2. The number of people who walk to work has fallen over the last 30 years, but bicycle commuting is getting more popular.

3. Younger workers walk and bike to work more than older workers.

Via pe4us.tumblr.com

4. People making the least money bike and walk the most.

5. More men ride bikes to work than women.

Via nice-torso.tumblr.com

The report states that 0.8 percent of men bike to work, while only 0.3 percent of women ride. A separate study shows an even more extreme gender divide: in New York City, 76.3 percent of all Citi Bike trips are taken by men.

6. Walking to work is popular in northeastern cities.

7. But biking is most popular in western cities.

8. People who walk and bike to work have the shortest commutes.

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