Chris Christie Tells Story Of Ann Romney Falling Onto His Lap During Boat Outing

"We pulled out of the dock near their home, and we went out onto the lake – and let me tell you, man, [Mitt Romney] guns that boat – I mean, guns it."

Earlier this month, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told a New Hampshire town hall a story meant to illustrate his close relationship with Mitt and Ann Romney.

"I'll tell you one quick story about Romney's boat, since we got on Romney's boat," Christie told the gathered group of voters. "So I stayed at Mitt and Ann Romney's – Mary Pat and I did, and a couple of our children – for our 4th of July weekend. And they're wonderful friends of ours, as you all probably remember – I came up here in the fall of 2011, as the first governor in the country to endorse Governor Romney for president."

"And so we've been friends for a long time, and he invited us for 4th of July. So we came up, and he took us out on the boat," continued Christie. "Now, you know, Mitt Romney has this reputation, right, of being this conservative, staid, kind-of buttoned up kind of guy? Go on his boat with him – you'll get an entirely different impression of Mitt Romney."

"We pulled out of the dock near their home, and we went out onto the lake – and let me tell you, man, this guy guns that boat – I mean, guns it," he said. "We take off so fast that – I'm in one seat, and sitting right next to me is Ann Romney – he hit is so hard that she flew off her seat and landed on my lap."

"I'll leave it at that," added the governor, laughing. "It was a good trip around Lake Winnipesauke, is all I can say. And we had fun with the Romneys."

"But so this image of Mitt Romney as the guy who's always very buttoned up – get Mitt Romney on his boat, he's a lot of fun," concluded Christie. "And he enjoys taking that boat around the lake, and it's a beautiful lake to ride around, and it really made for a fun 4th of July weekend for me, and Mary Pat, and for our two older children who were with us. So, they're good friends, and it's great to have them as friends."
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