A Mom Called Out This Store For Selling Bras For Kids That “Smooth Out Imperfections"

People have accused the company of "body-shaming" young girls. The company has defended its bras and said it's for smoothening folds.

Last week a mom took to Twitter to share her outrage after taking her 12-year-old daughter shopping for bras and finding one that "smoothens imperfections."

"Gomme les imperfections" et "offre une forme lisse"... Pour un soutif en 70A au rayon enfant... #LeCulLesRonces

Twitter: @Babeth_AS

"'Erase imperfections' and 'smooth out the shape', says a bra in 70A [the smallest bra size in France] in a kids section... #We’reReallyNotDoneWithThisShit"

On the label of the bra it reads, "Ideal as a first bra with removable filling!" and "hides small imperfections".

Florence Braud told BuzzFeed News she saw the bra for sale in a store in Bretagne, France.

She said the word “imperfections” irritated her and that a girl in her daughter’s class had made fun of her for not wearing a bra, so they went to buy her one.

Braun said: “It saddened me to see that, so soon, she was already suffering the threats [of] femininity."

She described it as an "injunction of femininity".

Many people took to Twitter to criticize Dim, the lingerie brand responsible.

A spokesperson from Dim told BuzzFeed News in a statement that by "imperfections" the company meant to "make the product smooth and harmonious under clothing."

They said: “When we said imperfections, we meant clothing and non-physiological imperfections. This is to erase imperfections materials — folds, overlays, etc. — to make the product smooth and harmonious under clothing.”

The store still sells bras in the "child" section with one described as containing “foam pads, a basic essential for all young girls looking for comfort and style."

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