The New Argentine President Celebrated His Victory By Dancing Like Your Dad

♫ 'Cause this is election, election night! ♫

♫ It was close to miiiiidnight and Argentina's conservatives were no longer lurking in the dark... ♫

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♫ Under the moooonlight, Mauricio Macri had just won 51.4% of country's heart... ♫

♫ He tried to daaaance, but joy overtook the moves that he was making... ♫

♫ He looked like your daaaaad, with wedding dance moves that would cause surprise... You're paralyzed! ♫

♫ 'Cause this is election, election night! And no one's gonna save the center left's Daniel Scioli from the beast about to strike.. ♫

♫ Girl, this was Macri, Macri's night... ♫

♫ So let him hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller, thriller economic reform agenda tooooooniiiiiight. ♫


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