Jon Stewart's 11 Most Epic CNN Rants

When CNN screws up, Jon Stewart and The Daily Show are there to let America know. Nobody covers real news blunders quite like this fake newsman.

On Monday, Jon Stewart and The Daily Show took on CNN for their coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing. It was pretty epic:

But that's not Stewart's first on-air rant about CNN. He's got a history as a watchdog for the network. These 11 CNN-related rants were just as good:

11. July 26, 2011: The Time Don Lemon Stopped Caring About CNN

"That may be the nicest way I've ever heard anyone say, 'Who writes this shit?'"

10. April 4, 2013: The Time CNN Broadened The News

"No, no, no how else could you explain the sequester than standing on the Holodeck of the Enterprise surrounded by goats?"

9. Feb. 28, 2011: The Time CNN Got Social Media Happy

"You're not even news anchors anymore. You're just news VJs."

8. Oct. 4, 2010: The Time Rick Sanchez Got Fired

"It's a chance for all of us to get in touch with, not our dirtier, but our better Sanchezes."

7. Jan. 10, 2012: The Time CNN Just Started Waking People Up At 5 A.M.

"The idea is to prank call some person you actually know? What could possibly go wrong?"

6. Mar. 26, 2007: The Time Rick Sanchez Literally Jumped Off A Boat

"I'm talking about Rick Sanchez on CNN, the self-appointed news guinea pig, who has police-chased, tasered and submerged himself in a car, and of course, into our hearts."

5. Aug. 5, 2010: The Time CNN Went To A Gay Bar To Cover Prop 8

"Was that an interview, or was that a gay speed date gone horribly wrong?"

4. July 22, 2009: The Time CNN Took On The President's Birth Certificate

"Do you even watch CNN? It's your own fucking network!"

3. June 28, 2012: The Time CNN Botched the Health Care Ruling

"Yes, a work of great drama! And like many of our greatest dramas: A work of complete fiction."

2. Oct. 12, 2009: The Time CNN Left It There

"You have 24 hours in a day! How much more time do you need!"

1. And the one that started it all... October 15, 2004: The time Jon Stewart took on CNN while on CNN's "Crossfire."

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"I made a special effort to come on the show today, because I have privately, amongst my friends and also in occasional newspapers and television shows, mentioned this show as being bad…. It's not so much that it's bad, as it's hurting America."

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