Videos Capture Gunfire In Baton Rouge And Its Chaotic Aftermath

One woman described the gunman who fatally shot three police officers as looking like a ninja.

Witnesses captured video of the sounds of gunfire and the chaotic aftermath of the police shootings in Baton Rouge on Sunday.

In one video, police cars have already arrived around a gas station. A gunshot rings out, followed by the sounds of people shouting.

Around seven more gunshots can be heard, spaced out over a span of about 40 seconds. Then, gunfire erupts, and the video ends.

In another video, a woman stands outside the Mobil gas station after the shooting and describes what she saw.

"He has a mask on, looking like a ninja," she said.

"This man is shooting at police," she said.

She tells someone to stay away, afraid shooting could begin again. Voices raise with calls to go back, go back.

"I don't know what he's doing, what's going on," she said.

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