Twitter's Best Alternatives To #Obamaquester

Stop trying to make "#Obamaquester" happen, says the internet.

Although the Republican-flack-backed hashtag never really took off on Twitter, the tweeting crowd (led by "recovering blogger" @wyethwire ) did what it does best and proposed a few alternate hashtags for those trying to pin responsibility for the sequester on President Obama:

@wyethwire After #Obamaquester hash tag fail, GOP plans to blame budget cuts on #ScarletLetterHesterquester

— Tina Winsett (@tmwinsett) February 22, 2013

@njhighlands GOP changes tack after #Obamaquester #Fail, changing bandaids on crusting #FesterQuester

— Alan Eggleston (@AlanEggleston) February 22, 2013

GOP changes tack after #ObamaQuester #Fail, now says Rambo caused the sequester! #SylvesterQuester

— scott olson (@NJHighlands) February 22, 2013

Hashtag #obamaquester a #fail for GOP, so they resort to trying to tried & true attacks on reproductive rights: #TrimesterQuester

— scott olson (@NJHighlands) February 22, 2013

Hashtag #obamaquester a #fail for GOP, so they resort to trying to tried & true attacks on reproductive rights: #TrimesterQuester

— scott olson (@NJHighlands) February 22, 2013

RT @wyethwire: After #obamaquester hashtag fail, GOP plans to blame budget cuts on 70s sitcom characters #AuntEsther

— Barracks O'Bama (@P0TUS) February 22, 2013

RT @wyethwire: After #obamaquester hashtag fail, GOP plans to blame budget cuts on 70s sitcom characters #AuntEsther

— Barracks O'Bama (@P0TUS) February 22, 2013

@wyethwire New plan: close the budget gap by turning a series of concerts in Austin into one big fundraiser. #SxSWster

— Greg Greene (@ggreeneva) February 22, 2013

@wyethwire The Metro escalators will be shut down for 10 minutes of every hour during the #FarragutWester

— Dave Lemen (@dlemen) February 22, 2013

After #Obamaquester hashtag fail, GOP now blaming budget cuts on 90s hip hop groups #aTribeCalledQuester

— Wyeth Ruthven (@wyethwire) February 22, 2013

@wyethwire I blame the impending budget cuts on rogue serial killer cops with their own brand of justice #Dexterquester

— Jason Johnson (@DrJasonJohnson) February 22, 2013

Republican Rep. Justin Amash called on his fellow Republicans to forget the hashtags and get back to work. "I think it's kind of 2008," he told Buzzfeed last week.

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