Jeb Bush Offered A Warm Kiss And The Internet Collectively Threw Up A Little Bit

"Warm kiss is the new moist."

Jeb Bush offered a "warm kiss" during Wednesday night's debate to any Democrat who cut government spending by $10.

People were immediately not into the idea.

A "warm kiss" is something which comes from your great aunt and something you spent childhood trying to avoid.

"I want a warm kiss from Jeb." - no one EVER

.@JebBush says if you can find a Democrat who will cut spending, he'll give them a "warm kiss." #GOPDebate

Some immediately had a horror movie playing in their head.

I picture Jeb! wearing this when he gives you a #warmkiss

Some broke down his payment plans...

Jeb! will give you a warm kiss for $10 Jeb! will take you to prom for $20 Jeb! will hold you at night and dry your tears for $30 #GOPDebate

...while others broke down Jeb's kisses based on political affiliation.

"Here's the deal. Hot kiss for conservatives. Warm kiss for democrats. Lukewarm kiss for liberals. Cold kiss for socialists." #GOPDebate

There were mostly a lot of questions:

I'm sorry, but I'm still trying to figure out the difference between a "warm kiss" and a -- what? -- a cold kiss? What are these? #GOPDebate

A wet kiss is less disgusting than a warm kiss, why would you choose warm

Seriously, though. We all want to know.

It's OK y'all, we're not the only ones confused #GOPDebate

Mostly, people wished they could unhear it.

"I'll give them a warm kiss" is something I never want to hear any middle-aged man say, let alone a presidential nominee 🙅🏼


Thumbnail Image Credit: Robyn Beck / AFP/Getty Images

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