Here's What The Future Of Google Glass Might Look Like

For the Glasshole with a fashion sense.

Back in February, the New York Times reported Google was in talks with eyewear manufacturer Warby Parker in order to help design more fashionable frames for its Glass product.

Now, thanks to a digital rendering by the mobile design and strategy firm Sourcebits, we have an idea of what a stylized version of Glass could look like. Sourcebits product director Rahul Nihalani tells BuzzFeed he hasn't spoken with Google about the mock-ups and chances are this sort of product evolution would take considerable time. But if the Google-Warby Parker reports come to fruition, then this rendering is probably a good preview of Google Glass' end game as a product embedded inside something millions of people already wear that's a normal part of your wardrobe and not an alienating, futuristic face camera.

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