McConnell Campaign Borrows Meme From Comedy Central

Their pretty good excuse: "It made us laugh."

Senator McConnell and Senate Republicans were in a jubilant mood yesterday after controversial gun control legislation failed to move forward in the Senate.

So Team Mitch, which is McConell's campaign site decided to post a meme about the legislative victory.

The campaign chose to post this clever meme!

The picture did immense traffic for the campaign site.

And an anonymous supporter was thanked for sending it to them:

All in alla meme success story.

EXCEPT this meme did not originate with a McConnell campaign staffer. It originated on the Comedy Central Indecision tumblr.

Mary Phillips-Sandy, editorial producer at Comedy Central digital tells BuzzFeed:

The meme was the work Comedy Central blogger Ilya Gerner:

But credit to the McConnell campaign for picking up on the meme just an hour after it's posting:

Jesse Benton of the McConnell campaign tells BuzzFeed: "The meme was sent to one of our staffers in an email chain. It made us laugh, so we decided to post on the campaign facebook page."

All's fair in love and meme:

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