Eric Cantor's Election Loss As Explained By "Toy Story"

Welcome to the playhouse, Dave Brat.

Eric Cantor was a really popular guy in the House.

But this year, a primary opponent landed in Cantor's home district.

His name was Dave Brat and he was from the tea party.

Brat did not like the way Cantor was running things in Congress.

And he openly challenged Cantor for not being conservative enough.

One of Brat's main criticisms was that Cantor was soft on immigration; he accused him of being pro-amnesty for undocumented immigrants.

Brat did win some endorsements from big conservative names like Glenn Beck and Laura Ingram.

That's OK. Cantor got the endorsement of the NRA.

And Cantor's internal polling showed him up by 34 percentage points.

It is clear that the Cantor campaign did not take Brat seriously all the way up to the election day.

But on election day, Brat showed impressive ground game.

And by the end of the day, Brat had defeated Cantor by 10 points.

Now Cantor is resigning from his leadership position in the House.

And the tea party has a new star.

Guess that's just politics.

Welcome to Congress.

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