24 Things You Should Not Tweet If You're A Politician

It is really not that hard!

Tweeting as a politician is easy. Just follow these simple steps!

1. Don't compare your adversaries to rogue nations that hate us.

2. Don't let an untrustworthy staffer manage your handle.

3. Be polite to your constituents.

4. You don't have to thank everyone who follows you.

5. It is more interactive to use people's handles than their whole name and title.

6. Don't be too self-aggrandizing.

7. No need to be overly specific on policy.

8. No inappropriate sexual comments about presidential candidates.

9. Things that can be taken as racist, will.

10. No need to spam your followers.

Never a good option.

11. Don't send out information that is too personal.

12. You only really have to say something once.

You are getting your point across.

13. Twitter has a 140-character limit for a reason.

14. Make your password more difficult than "(your name) 123."

You will get hacked.

15. It is OK to show love to your constituency.

But just don't get creepy about it.

16. It's ok to be a badass.

17. Don't whine too much.

18. If you do tweet something that makes no sense, you can recover with humor!

19. Not every one of your thoughts is tweetable.

20. Make sure what you retweet is appropriate.

21. Make sure you spell the names of presidents correctly.

22. Stay away from third-person "ghost tweets."

23. Do not compare economic decline to the death of a beloved pop star.

24. And REMEMBER: Always stay relatable — that is what social media is about!

It may seem like a lot of pressure, but luckily most of the world doesn't know much about politics!

So don't worry! When you leave office, you can just say "BQHATEVWR."


Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House.

Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House.-- Pete Hoekstra

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