A Third Of Americans Think Horsemeat Should Be Fed To Poor

But only 13% would eat it themselves.

German politicians got in trouble recently for suggesting that meat products containing horsemeat be donated to the poor — but according to a survey, 32% of Americans also think this is a good strategy. Giving horsemeat to poor people was actually more popular with respondents than throwing it away, which just 30% endorsed.

The survey, conducted by market research firm YouGov, also looked at which non-standard meats Americans would consider consuming:

Which Meat Would You Eat?

Those disturbed by Americans' comfort level with feeding horse to the needy (despite the fact that only 13% would eat it themselves) may take comfort in the fact that only 1,000 people participated in the survey. But YouGov says its samples are nationally representative, so a wider canvassing might have revealed the same thing.

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