We Tried To Quickly Ripen This Ridiculously Large Avocado And It Didn’t Work

    Umm, it was very hard to cut open.

    Yesterday, everyone was talking about the Groves family farm in Bungundarra, Queensland, growing these giant avocados.

    Well, we wanted to see exactly how massive they are, so with a little bit of ~investigative journalism~ we found a distributor in Sydney and made an extra-early morning trek to the markets.

    While we can confirm to you that it is indeed massive, we couldn't do much with it.

    They're pretty big avocados. Though I realise my giant hands probably distort this.

    You see, the avocados were freshly picked and delivered just this morning. So NONE of them were ripe enough to show you anything more than its size.

    Previously though, our colleague had tried a 10-minute avocado ripening hack, and we were curious to see if it would work on a gigantic one, too!

    So we got crackin'. We wrapped the giant avo with foil.

    Set the oven to 200°C.

    And popped the big baby in the oven for 10 minutes.

    Now for the moment of truth...

    After its ordeal in the oven, "Avozilla" was still very hard!!!

    Look, we really struggled to cut it open.

    We got there eventually.

    Guys, it was HARD AS A ROCK. 😐

    However, we discovered that the seed is almost as big as a normal-sized avocado.

    (This is Elfy, btw. She did all the hard work while I laughed at her agony.)