Scott Walker: Hillary Clinton Policies "Dangerously Close" To Socialism

"She would take us toward European-styled healthcare. I think the one thing Bernie Sanders gets credit for, in at least being truthful in advertising. Hillary Clinton tries to claim she's a bit more middle of the road, but her policies suggest something far different."

Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says the difference between Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is at least Sanders says he is a socialist. In an interview with the Lars Larson Show Monday, Walker said Clinton's policies are "dangerously close" to socialism.

"I will give a hat tip to Senator Bernie Sanders, not for the reasons you expect, but I at least give him credit for saying what he is: That he's a socialist," Walker said. "He actually probably proclaims it and embraces it. If you look at some of the policies that Hillary Clinton is talking about, they just run dangerously close to that."

"She's just not calling it like it is," Walker continued. "But I think you look at — you think all the way back — Hillary Clinton. We think about how bad Obamacare is, for example, and how we need to repeal that immediately to put patients and families back in charge of healthcare ... she was further than that."

Walker cited Clinton's past support for including an individual mandate in health care reform even before President Obama — who bashed the idea as a presidential candidate before accepting it as a pillar of his own plan — and her advocating of "HillaryCare" early in her husband's first term as president as examples of how far left she was on health care.

"She would take us toward European-styled healthcare," Walker said. "I think the one thing Bernie Sanders gets credit for, in at least being truthful in advertising. Hillary Clinton tries to claim she's a bit more middle of the road, but her policies suggest something far different."

Walker cited his governing policies as example of what he said was leading "through growth and through reform," noting he believed "the answer isn't more government like people like Hillary Clinton, like Bernie Sanders, like other people are proposing."

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