Rand Paul: Iraq War Architects Shouldn't Get To Keep Going On Sunday Shows

"History has already begun to harshly judge those who made this country's decisions after 9/11," Paul writes in his forthcoming book.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul writes in his forthcoming book that it is troublesome that those who planned the Iraq War are still invited on Sunday morning political talk shows to give their opinions.

"Let's take for example the war in Iraq," writes Paul. "Unlike Mrs. Clinton, had I been senator at the time of the Iraq War, I would have never voted for it, and it troubles me that we were sold the war on false pretense."

"It's also bothersome that the mainstream media continues to invite the architects of the Iraq invasion on to share their opinions on Sunday morning shows," he adds. "History has already begun to harshly judge those who made this country's decisions after 9/11."

Paul has been vocal in saying that, even at the time, the Iraq War was a mistake.

Paul's book, Taking a Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America is due out later this month.

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