Dog Wars Reach Boiling Point

Obama himself attacks Romney for putting a dog on his roof. The RNC responds: Obama ate a dog.

Obama campaign about small things - accusing Romney of being a felon & murderer. Next thing you know, they'll accuse Romney of eating a dog.

Obama campaign about small things - accusing Romney of being a felon & murderer. Next thing you know, they'll accuse Romney of eating a dog.-- Reince Priebus

Obama hits Romney for putting a dog on the roof of his car.

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Update: Obama reading his book's passage about eating a dog.

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Update 2. Romney spokesman Ryan Williams says on Obama's dog attack in a statement: "After sanctimoniously complaining about making a "big election about small things" President Obama continues to embarrass himself and diminish his office with his unpresidential behavior. This election is about creating jobs, turning around our economy and helping the middle class. The President's policies have failed on all counts and he will do anything to distract from his abysmal record."

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