This Bot Turns Trump's Tweets Into "Official" White House Statements

It's like Twitter, but for presidential statements.

Donald Trump likes to tweet.

Okay, he really likes to Tweet.

He's also the president.

"I'm President! Can you believe it?!" - President Donald Trump

A new Twitter bot, @RealPressSecBot, fuses these two passions by publishing Trump's tweets in the official White House statement format:

Take a look at the bot in action. Here's a @realDonaldTrump tweet about the London attacks:

Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That's because they used knives and a truck!

And here it is in White House release format:

That's some contrast, right?

Start following @RealPressSecBot, who treats President Trump's tweets as we all should: Official statements from the White House.

And calling them "tweets" minimizes them. They're statements from the president made on Twitter.

Russel Neiss, the coder who built the bot, told BuzzFeed News it only took him 40 minutes to create it. Here's the tweet that inspired him:

For context - because he's President - all of Trump's Tweets should be mocked up in the correct Presidential statem…

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